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So I didn't understand what kind of magic it was outside of Hogwarts? I went to a store in another city and appeared in the initial location? what kind of magic is this bro)))

I think I might know what the issue is, gonna check it out asap 😌

Thanks, I'll be waiting))

Done and done, the fix will be in the next build of the game!


Well done bro!))

It was a very quick fix, knew exactly what the problem was when I read your comment. Took me 'bout 10 seconds total to patch up


Check the sword on the upper wall ;)


Great game so far. I'm in the forest area and I'd just suggest giving players chances to heal throughout the forest because I'm having to escape every battle past a certain point where my health is too low to risk combat.

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Yeah, I'm stuck at low hp before the boss battle with no way to heal.

Went back to town to heal, but that requires either a lot of luck or save scumming.

Hey, thanks for the feedback! The intent behind the lack of healing before the boss was to make the player buy healing items from the convenience store, though I'll give it some thought.

Can you make the android version?

RPG Maker MZ, the engine I'm working within, doesn't have an option to export games for Android. However, through external resources it may be possible to convert it to be suitable for the platform. I'll see what I can do, but no promises

okay ,thank you 

Let RPG Maker MV/MZ Games are also available on Android with support In-app Purchase Tutorial - HackMD

Can i have a hint on how to find the 3 keys for the security room ive been stuck for almost a week on this

Two rooms on opposite sides of the 2nd floor have a connection. Try looking around those two, there's hints for where to find keys in the opposite room

Still stuck? Obv as the creator of the puzzle it's easy for me to understand it but if there's things I could do to make it understandable for most players that'd be great

Yeah im still stuck i found one key in the room with the gate but i havent found any others


I'll give you another hint then: Follow the lights ;)

the boss fight on the 2nd island is impossible because 2 rounds in and the 2 guys one shot lora

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I'll do some testing, personally didn't experience this but if it happened by complete coincidence then that's something I should definitely fix. What level are your party members at?

they were at level 5 sorry for responding way later

It's fine, really! Upon playtesting the currently in-progress version of the game with my party members at level 4 I didn't get the impression that such a thing was plausible, so I'm at least pretty sure that won't be as much of a possibility in the next build. Think you could go back and try the fight again, then let me know how it goes?

i retried it and it didnt happen again i guess i just got really unlucky sorry for troubling you with this

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Don't worry about it lmao, I'm honestly just incredibly happy to see someone interested enough in the game to leave a comment helping me improve it. Besides, the balancing's the thing I'm the least happy with in the game so far, so any feedback helps!